The Gray Pearl

“Wherever we want to go, we go. That’s what a ship is, you know. It’s not just a keel and a hull and sails; that’s what a ship needs. Not what a ship is. What the Black Pearl really is, is freedom.” –Captain Jack Sparrow

freedom pearl

I’m one of those people that names their vehicles. And yes, my Tacoma’s name is a play off of the Black Pearl from Pirates of the Caribbean. I happened to be re-watching the movies around the same time that I got my truck. As I was pondering what to name her, Captain Jack Sparrow drunkenly slurred out those heartfelt words quoted above. I knew that was it, and I had found a name. For me, my truck is freedom. Freedom to go, to explore, to get to places I couldn’t before. Hence, the Gray Pearl.

Freedom to me, in the simplest terms, is happiness. My happiness is exploring, learning, and experiencing sights that take my breath away. I hate to admit this, but I have been a creature of habit for a few years. My parents did an amazing job during my childhood, exploring and visiting different areas. Yet in my adult years, I found myself going to the same three camping spots, frequently visiting my five favorite hikes, and doing very little exploring outside of my comfortable 50-mile radius. In the recent past, however, I have experienced a shift of my goals, priorities, and view of how I want to live my life. My main goal is to experience life, not just live it. The Gray Pearl has given me the means to be able to go wherever I want to go. As Captain Jack Sparrow would say, “Now bring me that horizon.”

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